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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Running Toilet

Toilet paper rolls placed on a closed toilet seat to look like eyes. A piece of toilet paper hangs between the lid and seat of the toilet like a tongue.
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Running Toilet

Is there anything more annoying than a running toilet? That constant, subtle sound of water trickling into the bowl can be maddening. It might be tempting to ignore it, especially if it seems like a minor issue, but here’s the thing: you really shouldn’t. That running toilet is more than just a minor annoyance; it’s a problem that could lead to bigger headaches down the line. Keep reading to find out why you should address a running toilet sooner rather than later.

Wasted Water

A single running toilet can waste a surprising amount of water. You might not notice it immediately, but over time, it adds up. A running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water a day. Imagine the impact on your water bill and the environment!

In a world where water conservation is crucial, ignoring a running toilet is a step in the wrong direction. The resources we take for granted are precious, and letting them flow down the drain unnecessarily is simply irresponsible.

Costly Utility Bills

Ignoring a running toilet can lead to an unexpected spike in your water bill. You might be scratching your head, wondering why your water usage has suddenly shot up, and all the while, it’s the running toilet that’s quietly draining your wallet. By addressing the issue promptly, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure your hard-earned money isn’t wasted.

Potential Water Damage

Constantly running water can wear down the internal components of your toilet, leading to costly repairs down the road. The damage isn’t limited to the toilet itself; it can also affect your bathroom floor and even the structure of your home if the water leak isn’t addressed promptly.

These leaks can also lead to mold growth over time. Mold can be a serious health hazard and costly to remediate, making it crucial to address a running toilet and its underlying causes right away.

Why Do Toilets Commonly Run Constantly? A Faulty Flapper Valve

Most running toilets are the result of a malfunctioning flapper valve. This rubber piece is responsible for sealing the flush valve and preventing water from escaping the tank. Over time, it can deteriorate, warp, or become coated with mineral deposits, causing it to lose its ability to seal properly. Your toilet’s water level will fluctuate so much that it won’t stop running. Calling a professional plumber is your best bet for fixing your toilet properly.

DIY Fixes Aren’t Always Effective

You might be tempted to tackle the running toilet issue on your own. DIY fixes like jiggling the handle or adjusting the toilet flapper might provide temporary relief, but they often fail to address the root cause of the problem. This can lead to recurring issues and more frustration in the long run. It’s often best to leave toilet repairs to the professionals who can diagnose and fix the issue correctly.

Restore Peace to Your Home With a Toilet Drain Repair

When it comes to addressing a running toilet, you need a reliable plumbing service that you can trust. Skagit Plumbing is your go-to choice for all plumbing needs. With years of experience, our skilled technicians can quickly identify the cause of the problem and provide effective solutions. We’re committed to saving water, reducing your utility bills, and ensuring your home remains in great condition. Contact us today to schedule a plumbing repair in Mt. Vernon, WA, or one of the surrounding areas.